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Pissen in Utopia: Extreme seks en coalitievorming in Samuel Delany’s erotische fantasieën.

In this article, I explore Samuel Delany’s novel Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders (2011), which is filled with extreme sexual fantasies and taboos regarding bodies and race. Delany, I suggest, employs these taboos to pave the way for sexual encounters that promise a sexual politics of coalitions beyond racism and discrimination.

Massahysterie ten tijde van de AIDS crisis. James Purdy en De gewaden der levenden.

In: hij/hem. Een ABC van regenboogboeken. Ed. Eric de Rooij, Coen Peppelenbos en Doeke Sijens. Groningen: Kleine Uil.

Een gezamenlijke vijand. Queer en antikoloniale lezingen van De stille kracht.

Louis Couperus’ De Stille Kracht is often read either as an anti-colonial novel, or as a novel in which Couperus could express his own non-normative sexual desires. However, these two readings cannot easily coincide–there is a tension between the two of them. In this article, I examine how a queer reading of this novel problematizes an anti-colonial interpretation, while at the same time an anti-colonial reading reduces the queer potential of the novel.

‘Louis Couperus en het Hedendaagse Genderonderzoek.

In this introduction to a special issue of Arabesken, I advocate for a reevaluation of Louis Couperus’ work through the lens of contemporary research on gender and sexuality. This approach, I argue, lends new meanings to his novels and characters, potentially engaging a new generation of readers with his work.

‘Cruising the Seventies: Homoseksualiteit en Promiscuïteit in de Amerikaanse Literatuur van en over de Jaren Zeventig.’

Leidschrift: Historisch Tijdschrift 35.2

‘Deafies in Drag: Rolemodels at the Intersection of Queer and Deaf Representation’.

With Nynke Feenstra. Arts in Society: Academic Rhapsodies. Ed. Sophia Hendrix, Merel Oudshoorn, Lieke Smits en Tim Vergeer. Leiden: Leiden University Library.

Savage Embraces: James Purdy, Melodrama and the Narration of Identity (Proefschrift, 2019)

In my PhD thesis, I investigate the work of American author James Purdy. In his novels from the 1950s and 1960s, he rebels against the idea that sexual identity is inherent to a person. Instead, he tries to invent a language that demonstrates that sexuality is something one does, not what one is. This causes tensions among characters who resist committing to limited and limiting sexual categories and the people in their surroundings, who refuse to understand them as long as the cannot be neatly placed into categories of sexual identity.

‘Illegible Desire: James Purdy’s Resistance to Sexual Identity.’

Legibility. Ed, Janna Houwen and Esther Peeren. Leiden: Brill.

‘Stepping out of Time: Performing Queer Temporality, Memory and Relationality in ‘Timelining.’

Performance duo Gerard & Kelly explore in their performance installation Timelining the way different actors in interpersonal relationships acquire their own histories and perspectives. By having performers narrate their shared history from their personal perspectives, two stories emerge that sometimes overlap and sometimes diverge. In this way, Gerard & Kelly seek ways to narrate stories about relationships without losing sight of the individual perspectives of those involved.

‘Digital Drag: Queer Potentiality in the Age of Digital Television.’

Due to the introduction of digital television and online media, the relationship between content creator and spectator has shifted radically. This became painfully evident when online fans of the television show RuPaul’s Drag Race revolted against the use of transphobic slurs that were jokingly used on the show and had been part of it ever since its inception. Using this case as a basis, I investigate how digital interactions between content creators and audience provide the opportunity to democratize and queer media landscapes.

‘Perverted by Literature: Rethinking the Taboo on Incest in the Writing of James Purdy.’

Proceedings from the SSSCP 2015. Ed. Stanimir Panayotov. Belgrade: IPAK. Center. 2016.

‘Organizing Cultuur?Barbaar!: Some Problems of Creating Concepts through Art.’

Coauthored with Gerlov van Engelenhoven. Barbarism Revisited: New Perspectives on an Old Concept. Ed. Maria Boletsi and Christian Moser. Leiden: Brill. 2015.

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